Chuyan Zhang


My name is Chuyan Zhang (张楚炎). I'm a graduate student at UC Santa Barbara, advised by Prof. Lingqi Yan. My research interests are about rendering, including rendering systems and geometry representation. Personally, I'm also interested in programming languages and cybersecurity.

I finished my undergraduate study in Tsinghua University, when I was advised by Prof. Kun Xu.

I'm working on an experimental vulkan ray tracer named project iris.

Current Work

I'm currently engaged in two research projects that explore Level-of-Detail (LoD) techniques in computer graphics for different types of primitives.

  1. Hierarchical Level-of-Detail and Culling for Ray Tracing Geometry:

This project focuses on optimizing geometry bandwidth in ray tracing pipeline to reduce BVH build cost. Culling is theoretically infeasible in a ray tracing senario because of the potential visibility introduced by global illumination. However, we use certain heuristics to estimate the contribution of meshlets to the rendered image, and substitute those with low contributions with coarse level of detail, effectively "culling" out less important geometry to reduce cost.

  1. Exploratory Level-of-Detail for 3D Gaussian representation:

This project is the follow-up of Unified Gaussian Primitives for Scene Representation and Rendering, which extends 3D Gaussian with reflectance model for light transport algorithms. We aim to explore potential real-time Level-of-Detail algorithms for such representation, reduce number of primitives needed while aggregating appearance and preserving visual quality.




LuisaRender: A High-Performance Rendering Framework with Layered and Unified Interfaces on Stream Architectures

LuisaRender Teaser

Shaokun Zheng, Zhiqian Zhou, Xin Chen, Difei Yan, Chuyan Zhang, Yuefeng Geng, Yan Gu, Kun Xu

SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 (Journal Track)

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